Idea about promoting geocaching was created in 2011. shortly after we found out about it. We wrote texts and posted them on facebook and Local committee Belišće.
On the day of 6th February 2013 the web page Geocache Croatia was founded with a goal for even better promotion of Geocaching in Croatia especially in our local area of places Bistrinci, Belišće and Valpovo. In January 2014 web page changes its name into Geocache Hrvatska and it is moved to another domain.
You will see that this english version of our croatian page is slightly different. Some topics are missing and some don't. Reason for that is in you. You already know what Geocaching is so we don't have to write this down all over again especially because everything about Geocaching you can find on other similar web pages. For our Croatian geocachers and those who are about to become one it was essential to tell and show them the very basic of this activity and that is what you can read about on our croatian page.
So dear visitor what can you read that is new for you? Sections called field trips and section download is most valuable to you so visit them :)
Feel free to write us your questions, constructive suggestions and comments to our e-mail. We will gladly read all of your e-mails and respond to them in a short time.

In the hope that you will enjoy this site receive greetings from
Geocaching team - Matko & Maja!